
  MY ENGLISH BLOG Rafael Suarez 4to B N°37 Question Tags The Question Tags are shorts questions in the end of a sentence and whose structure is in opposition to the previous sentence. Q.T are common in the spoken language. 1- When the sentence is affirmative the question is negative She is an artist, in't she? They are schoolmates, aren't they? 2- If the sentence is negative the question is affirmative. He doesn't work here, does he? We don't drink one, do we? *If there is an auxiliary verb in the statement, we use it to form the question tag.  I don't need to finichs it today, do I? *Sometimes there isn't an auxiliary verb in the statement, when the verb in the statement is present or past and is positive, we use "Don't, doesn't or didn't" Laura eats cheese, doesn't she? *If the verb in the statement is "to be" in the present or past, we use "to be" to make question tag. The bus stops over here, isn't it? *When